Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Candid Shots

Progress has been slow with the new (not-so-new-anymore) photography course I'm busy with.  The first time I went through the study material I've made a few notes here and there, but looking at it again it doesn't really resemble a summary of any sorts!  The result is that I am terrified of downloading the first test!  I've done the first Practice Assignment which was fun, but the theory I haven't had the guts to do yet.  So instead, I've started going through the study material of the first module AGAIN, making what I hope will be proper summaries of each little section.  I got half-way through the first module on Friday which I'm very pleased about.

I was hoping to do a little bit every evening, but time didn't allow it.  Hopefully I will get a chance to finalize the first module within this week still.

In the meantime, I'm feeling more and more confident shooting in manual mode.  In fact, now it really feels like I'm cheating if I'm using the Auto-functions!  On a couple of occasions I've taken pics in Auto-mode then ended up deleting them because I didn't choose the settings myself!  Hopefully this is just a phase I will grow out off soon and consider the benefits of shooting both in Auto and Manual-focus!

One thing I've realized again after studying part of the first module again is that I really really really want a new lens... or two...  There are so many nice lenses out there!  I want to be creative and really take pictures with a difference.  I've been thinking a lot about what I can do to take 'different' pictures that has a positive feel to it.  I think there is so much negativity published that something a bit more positive is definitely more appealing to me.  With the right lens one can be so creative.  

I came across this very interesting tutorial by Peter Hurley Photography on how to take candid shots of strangers:  http://fstoppers.com/the-wonderful-world-of-candid-portrait-photography

The pictures shown in this link are stunning!  

I've considered trying this for a few moments, but the amount of horrible scenarios that played out in my head about how this will turn out should I try it made me cringe!  At times I can be a very outgoing person, but honestly don't know if I have the guts to walk up to a stranger to ask if I can take a photo just yet!  This being said, I think it is a brilliant suggestion to do in order to gain more confidence and experience.  Also, if someone is being told that you're trying to build up a portfolio or adding to your experience it might be easier to convince them.  Generally I can be a bit shy so this is easier said than done for me, but definitely worth considering.


Anonymous said...

Hi Marianna,

I found this great article about taking photos of strangers. Maybe go have a look at it as well: http://improvephotography.com/5441/how-to-photograph-stranger-street-photography/.

O, and about the 'exam'- Nike approach! Just do it!

Good luck!

Marianna Pieterse's Stories said...

Dear Anonymous,

Thank you for taking time to read my post and thank you for sending me the link to the brilliant article. It is really interesting and insightful. I learned a lot from it.

I will let you know how it goes with the exam!

Thanks again!