Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Surrounding yourself with the right people

If there is one thing I have realized this past weekend, it is that surrounding yourself with the right people is very inspiring to be the best you can be.

Even though I love photography, it is easy to get trapped in the rat-race and focus more on other things and not making time for doing what I love.  I also seem to at times feel a bit overwhelmed by trying to fit everything in that need to be done each day.  Then after having a weekend like the one that just passed, spending time with friends who love art and photography and being creative was so inspiring and made me want to drop everything that I'm busy with and just start snapping away and study every piece of photography study material that I can lay my hands on!

Looking at them and what they have accomplished as a family made me want to do better than what I'm doing at the moment and study harder and focus more on being creative and most of all enjoying life and teaching our kids to do the same.  It shouldn't become a chore, the art of photography should be enjoyed.

If you surround yourself with people who love doing what you love and are successful in the field, it will have a positive influence on your life.  There is so much one can learn from others greater than yourself and who already made a success in the field of photography.

Watching our friends interact as a family made me realize once again how important it is to spend quality time with your friends and family and those around you whom you care about and not to let the 'rat-race' isolate you from them.

I found this interesting link which reminded me not only to learn from others, but also to give back to those just starting out in the field to get on their feet:


I don't think one should necessarily avoid all negative people, I doubt that it would be possible, but to take note of how much time you spend with positive, inspiring people and how much time you spend with negative people.  I truly hope that I will be able to inspire others as much as I have been inspired this weekend!

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