Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Struggled with Exposure Compensation

I love my Nikon D7000.  I really do.  I always was a Nikon fan, but in all honesty, sometimes I really, really wish it was more user-friendly.  In some ways it is, I guess, but in other ways it is just about impossible to figure some of the functions out without hours of research.  I have tried using the Bracketing (bkt) function on my Nikon D7000 for about 2 weeks now.  I could not figure it out.  I've searched online for advise, read what the manual had to say several times, asked at camera shops, it was like one of life's great mysteries.  Until today.  A few short minutes ago I came across this site by Steve Tosterud: http://sumptuousart.com/shooting-hdr-with-the-nikon-d7000/

The puzzle has been solved!  Yay!  After many frustrating hours I can finally say I managed to get it right.  Now to go out and try out the new skill.

I've read somewhere that it is advisable not to carry a 'name-brand' camera bag in order not to draw too much attention to the quite expensive camera you might have inside.  This is obviously to prevent thugs from noticing it and realizing the value.  So hubby bought me a very basic 'no-name-brand' camera bag this past weekend.  It was inexpensive and not too bulky.  I like it.  Hopefully my camera will draw less attention than the one of the person who's camera seems capable of taking shots of planet Neptune from their front porch.

Here is a pic of my new bag.  I have used my new bracketing skill there for you!

(-2 EV)

(0 EV)

(+2 EV)

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