Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Course Update

I am not making progress on the course as fast as I would like to due to limited time to spend on this.  However, I do enjoy it and find it very interesting.  At the moment I'm still busy with the second module and find this particular chapter quite daunting.  I'm busy learning about the technical aspects of the camera and it is quite overwhelming and I cannot help but wonder how I will ever remember all of this.

In the meantime I came across an online tutorial on using the Nikon d7000 which I am looking forward to go through soon!  It seems so easy to understand when someone else is explaining how to use each setting on the camera, but I honestly never thought it is possible for one camera to have so many settings to choose from.  I cannot wait to get to a point where I can truly and confidently say I know what I'm doing when I pick up my Nikon d7000 to take a photo!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nikon D7000

Hubby bought me a Nikon D7000 for my birthday!  I am super excited about this.  In all honesty I find it a bit complicated and not at all as user friendly as my D50 was, but I plan to do a course in how to use it.  Nikon offers free courses.  The next one will be on the 11th of this month, but I won't be able to take time off yet.  I was hoping to be able to go when I'm on leave, but that is probably just wishful thinking.  I doubt that they would have another course until I'm back at work after the holidays.  I will keep an eye on their website for the next date.

I have noticed that the colour of the pics taken with the D7000 is very different to the colour of the pics taken with the D50.  I have sold the D50 to my employer, but still use it for work purposes.  I must admit I really enjoyed using it, but I'm at the same time, having lots of fun figuring out the new camera.  It is amazing what one can do with one camera!

I cannot wait to get some training on using it properly.  I would love to know what other people's experiences are with the D7000 and any handy tips are always welcome :)

We will hopefully be moving soon, ealry next year, and I'm hoping to start a studio from home then.  I have all the equipment, it is only a matter of getting a space where I could work from.  I had a look at possibly renting a spot somewhere, but haven't found anything suitable and affordable.  At the moment, the best option seems to be working from home.  I am looking forward to finally put the equipment and what I've learned so far to good use!